Health & Safety

At GONVVAMA our objective is zero accidents.
In order to help us to reach this objective we have fully integrated Environmental Protection, Health and Safety as one of our core company values and commit to put all initiative in place to reach this objective.
Within GONVVAMA management board and executive team we are fully committed to this value and are striving to enhance leadership in safety within GONVVAMA by creating a desire to work safe and healthy in order to achieve the target of 0 accidents.
Being a new created entity we will integrate and leverage learning from best practices already approved across the whole organization within VAMA, GONVARRI and ArcelorMittal.
The guiding principle will include a strong leadership in safety at each level and from early project phase to operations. The premises are that everyone has an active role to play in injuries and illness.
EHS will be integrated in all management processes and excellence in EHS will support our company business results.
As part of the initiative all managers, all front line leaders will have to be present, talking to our teams, leading by example. Our commitment will be to show anytime a real visible leadership and this can be done through strong management presence, regular training and coaching, and the sharing and promotion of good practices and actions.
We will recognize and reward our teams for their positive actions and success stories, but more importantly, let each of us ensure that we will continue. to have regular two way conversations and discussions with our teams. Behavior is key and we will not tolerate breach of rules in Safety, safety key commandments will be explained in detail and accepted by everyone entering the company before signing contract. 
To ensure success and sustainability, we will have to put our efforts to ensure that all risks are well addressed and properly managed.
The EHS Handbook is as a tool, for our managers with the objective of getting involved and understanding the tools, the standards and the correct ways of doing things. We have to be credible on the shop floor and therefore we need to be consistent in our behavior, wherever we are and whatever we are doing.
I sincerely believe that we can as GONVVAMA team succeed in reaching our target of zero accident. I count on each of you for your full support and commitment to reach this goal.


EHS Policy

GONVVAMA commitment to the Environmental Protection, Health and Safety of all employees both on and off the job is a clear component of Our brand promise to "transform tomorrow".
We believe in the following principles to guide our actions:
1. All injuries and work related illnesses can and must be prevented.
2. Management is accountable for the Environmental Protection, Health and Safety performance.
3. Communication, involvement and training of all employees are essential in Health and Safety excellence.
4. Everyone continuously has a role to play in preventing injuries and illnesses.
5. Excellence in Health and Safety supports excellent business results.
6. Health and Safety must be integrated into all business management processes.
7. Product Stewardship aiming at eliminating Health and Environmental impact for customers.
We will work vigorously towards a goal of zero accidents and injuries. To achieve this - through our Safety Management Systems including the continuous improvement principle - we will:
1. Identify, evaluate and eliminate Health and Safety risks to ensure that hazards are managed.
2. Establish an effective process for preventing all injuries and work related illnesses.
3. Build a supportive culture that requires visible Leadership with clear accountability.
4. Provide everyone with effective training so that we are all able to work safely.
5. Investigate all incidents in order to prevent a recurrence.
6. Establish a culture where work will be stopped if it is unsafe.
7. Establish measurable objectives to monitor progress through regular audits and reporting.
8. Comply fully with all legal and other applicable requirements and meet or exceed these expectations wherever we operate in the world.
9. Update and test emergency procedures.
The success of this policy requires the involvement and commitment of everyone working for and with us.


Ten Golden Rules